CHAP. 11. (9.)—THE TURSIO.
There is a fish called the tursio,[1] which bears a strong resemblance to the dolphin; it differs from it, however, in a
certain air of sadness, and is wanting in its peculiar vivacity.
This animal most resembles the dog-fish,[2] however, in the
shape and dangerous powers of the muzzle.
1. Cuvier remarks, that there is some confusion here between an animal
of the dolphin kind, and another of the genus Squalus. He suggests that
the Delphinus tursio of Linnæus (our porpoise) is meant; but then there
would be no ground for comparing its teeth with those of the dog-fish or
shark. He remarks also, that Athenæus, B. vii. p. 310, speaks of pieces of
salted flesh from the dog-fish, as being called by the name of tursio.
2. Under this name he probably means the shark as well as the dog-fish.
This passage is curiously rendered by Holland. "But especially they are
snouted like dogges, when they snarle, grin, and are readie to do a shrewd